“At first I’m being sexual with the banana, and then it’s like, ’Ha-ha, no,'” she went on to explain. Did you realize that?” she finally pointed out, about the video. This is what Nicki says about the banana: "“I’m chopping up the banana. This song has many dislikes on youtube, and many people hate it, but it's catchy and okay, not bad. Look at it cause it's awesome and hot, not cause it's ugly. She's trying to make something regarded as ugly in the old mixalot's video into something hot and sexy. Nicki uses this like "omy gosh look at her butt" frequently in the song and shows her butt. it's just out there." like the big butt is something unacceptable and ugly.

There's also the first lines from Sir Mixalot's video when the white says "omy gosh, look at her butt. From these two scenes, she's trying to say: fuck your anaconda, I'm not here to please you, I'm here cause I love my butt(and my body) and I own it, I rock it. Then she gives Drake a boner and doesn't allow him to touch her ass when he tries to. They reoccur again and again till she's in the kitchen, trying to fondle the banana, then she cuts it off. Nicki Minaj takes the lines "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun" and "little in the middle but she got much back" lines from Mixalot's song. In the beginning of Sir Mixalot's video, a white girl calls another woman's ass as "fat," "out there," "like a prostitute," and "so fat." Then Sir Mixalot goes on to talk about how he loves those big butts and ladies shouldn't listen to these white people's magazines about flat butts. This song takes lines from Sir Mixalot's "Baby got back" video. Though this song's video may just appear like soft porn, it has a lot of interpretations.